How and why is violence so prevalent in modern videogames, and should audiences be better protected from it through censorship?
Level 4
(37-48 marks)
(1)A fluent and analytical investigation which explores the chosen topic from a clear, autonomous
and critical perspective, (2)making use of extensive and wide-ranging research which has clearly
been employed in the investigation and detailed in the bibliography,(3) making use of a wide range
of academic, media and contextual sources. (4)The investigation demonstrates sophisticated
research and engagement with the primary text(s) and a range of secondary texts. (5)It is well
presented with a very detailed bibliography/source list (AO4).
Violence has always been the ‘Devil’s advocate’ of new mediums of entertainment; all embryonic forms of media have had to weather criticism about their portrayal of violence, ranging from books (take for instance (4)The Lord of the Flies or The Colour Purple, both frequently banned from American schools for their seemingly excessive violent content) to movies (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 comes to mind, and was banned in Australia until 2006(2). It is interesting to note that the Australian government seem to have a certain penchant for banning media texts), lending credence to the notion that video games are merely experiencing the beginnings of their journey to respectability (and therefore are frequently the source of recent moral panics). It could be argued that games do not face criticism due to their violent content, but rather simply because they are games; countless (3)film-makers, artists and authors have tackled difficult subjects such as violence (among others such as sexuality and hatred) and have been critically acclaimed for these works because they dared to explore humanity’s dark side.(1) Due to this, one could make the argument that games should not be censored as they are simply under criticism with the same ‘knee-jerk’ attitude that has plagued mediums before now, mediums which have gone on to produce some of the most telling and intriguing narratives ever witnessed.
(5) Bibliography
Works Cited
Shaw, B. (1893). Mrs. Warren's Profession. Champaign, Ill.: Project Gutenberg.
Nielsen, S., Smith, J. H., & Tosca, S. P. (2008). Video Game Culture. Understanding video games: the essential introduction (p. 138). New York: Routledge.
Newspapers and Magazines:
Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children: A Review of Self-Regulation and Industry Practices in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries, Appendix A - "A Review of Research on the Impact of Violence in Entertainment Media" (Sept. 2000)
Violent virtual video games and hostile thoughts. (2004, September 1). Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 1, 1.
The Entertainment Software Association - Industry Facts. (n.d.). The Entertainment Software Association - Home Page. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from
Benichou, P. (n.d.). » International Reviews Philippe Benichou Artist Blog. The Art of Philippe Benichou - Original Paintings - Limited Editions - Official Web Site. Retrieved January 24, 2011, from
Video Games and Violence - Art Carden - Mises Daily. (n.d.). Ludwig von Mises Institute - Homepage. Retrieved January 31, 2011, from
Moving-image texts:
Kubrick, S. (Director). (1987).Full Metal Jacket [Motion picture]. U.S.A.: Warner Home Video.
Bulletstorm Trailer (Epic Games, 2010, USA)
(1)The investigation demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding of media
concepts, contexts and critical debates relevant to the chosen area of investigation. (2)The work
contextualises the study and the linked production piece effectively within the contemporary
media landscape (AO1).
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